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All posts tagged "sports"

  • What to Wear: Squash Dress Code

    What’s the game squash? Squash is a high-speed racquet sport played by two players (or in doubles 4 players on court...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 19, 2016
  • What to Wear: Marathon

    You’ve probably done a lot of research about running a marathon is you are about to run one. You shouldn’t wear...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 19, 2016
  • What to Wear: Polo Match

    A Polo Match is an event that the country club crowd often attends. Big hats and designer…everything is something that you...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 18, 2016
  • What to Wear: Beach Volleyball

    Beach Volleyball is an increasing popular summer sport. But you have to be careful what you wear to a beach volleyball...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 18, 2016
  • What to Wear: Guys Night

    Beer, pizza and football. Checking out chicks, greasy food, and football. Sounds like a guys night right? For guys night it’s...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What to Wear: Olympics

    Obviously you would dress differently if you were actually in the Olympics but when attending the Olympics- the dress code is...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What to Wear: Wimbledon

    Throughout the year there are many important sporting events to attend to. Wimbledon is a prestigious event- and the ticket price...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What To Wear: Sporting Events

    Sometimes people attend sporting events overdressed and they completely stand out- in the wrong way. If you’re attending a sporting event...

    Dress Code AnswersdcadminDecember 27, 2013
  • What to Wear: Sport Clothing

    Oh yeah. You know he/she notices you. That hot bod who’s eyeing you as you show that treadmill who’s boss? Ohhh...

    Dress Code AnswersdcadminMay 9, 2013