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All posts tagged "preppy"

  • What to Wear: Fraternity

    Just like joining a sorority, joining a fraternity is a judgmental time and a time to prove yourself to future brothers....

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 19, 2016
  • What to Wear: Tennis Match

    A tennis match is a lot like attending an event at your country club. Dress as if you were going to...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 18, 2016
  • What to Wear: Golf Event

    Like tennis, golf is a sport that you would go to play at the country club and naturally that is the...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 18, 2016
  • What to Wear: College Visits

    As Americans, going to college is extremely important to everyone. So remember, when visiting the college you want to attend, make...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 18, 2016
  • What to Wear: Meeting the In-Laws

    Some things in life are stressful. Meeting your in-laws or future in-laws is one of those things. You want to look...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What to Wear: Wimbledon

    Throughout the year there are many important sporting events to attend to. Wimbledon is a prestigious event- and the ticket price...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What to Wear: Going to Class

    You’re going to class…do you really need our help for this? Well we have you covered no matter what. Whether you’re...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What to Wear: On a Boat

    “I’m on a boat!” Oh, if I could only sing the words to you, but alas I cannot do so through...

    Dress Code AnswersJess LorenJuly 15, 2016
  • What To Wear: Country Club Luncheon

    When attending an event at a country club it is expected that you dress a certain way. There are a lot...

    Dress Code AnswersdcadminDecember 27, 2013